The Spain Report
The Spain Report Podcast
Comment: Would Sánchez like to be the President of a third Spanish republic?

Comment: Would Sánchez like to be the President of a third Spanish republic?

The Prime Minister ordered Franco dug up from the Valley of the Fallen and has repeatedly done deals with the far-left and regionalist separatist republicans.

The First Minister of Madrid, Ayuso (PP), suggested yesterday that Sánchez would like to become the President of the next Spanish republic. A poll in El Diario on Sunday suggested a majority of Spaniards would like to see a referendum on the issue of a monarchy versus a republic and that opinions were split both ways, at around 44% of the vote, with 12% undecided in the middle. Now, Spain is not the UK in terms of solid social allegiance to the idea of the royal family, but I have found myself wondering out loud about this idea in conversations recently too. If we think a bit about Spanish history, about Sánchez’s background and about his political manoeuvres over the past few years, Ayuso’s suggestion is not as outrageous as it might sound at first.

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