The Spain Report
The Spain Report Podcast
National alarm in Spain over Sánchez's urgent plans with Catalan separatists

National alarm in Spain over Sánchez's urgent plans with Catalan separatists

🔊 Senior socialist leaders sound alarm from within party over Sánchez's criminal reform for Catalan separatists. Govt. denies there will be a referendum.

I don't understand what Sánchez gains politically from the additional concessions to the Catalan separatists. This is not a mini favour that no one will notice. It is a major tweak, repealing or slashing the jail time for crimes the friends in question have been accused and convicted of. They already have their pardons for the Supreme Court jail sentences related to the declaration of independence in 2017. This parliament was already tied up nicely with the final 2023 budget. There are six months left until the local and regional elections, and a year until the general election.

The Spain Report
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